Hopefully, we have answered any questions that you have below.

Where does your repeater data come from?

Repeaterbook. We utilize the data available via Repeaterbook's public API. The list of repeaters is synchronized periodically.

What repeaters are included?

We only list FM analog repeaters broadcasting from the United States (for now!). We exclude any repeaters that are not open to the public, and known to be On-Air.

What about GMRS?

We love GMRS, and would like to integrate GMRS repeater data into our service. The main downside of GMRS, given our mission, is that the repeater network is much smaller than what is available to HAM operators. There are currently 20,000+ amateur radio repeaters in the U.S. alone.

Why don't you support digital modes?

We consider utilizing digital modes to be more of an advanced/enthusiast activity. We could be wrong here, but given our mission, we believe our audience will be more interested in HAM radio for communication, not as a hobby. Thoughts???